
Flex Arbitri’s lean approach to international arbitration allows us to deliver world-class counsel and advice for economical fees. We serve a wide spectrum of clients, in a variety of matters, through a range of services.


Our Services

We offer sophisticated legal services to government and corporate clients and foreign co-counsel.

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Why Flex Arbitri?

Flex Arbitri deploys hi-tech, and draws upon a global network of experienced attorneys, to offer bespoke legal services at a fraction of the cost of traditional firms.

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One of a Kind

Flex Arbitri’s Founder advises clients based on a decade of experience at leading international law firms.



Writing the book on international arbitration procedure.

Flex Arbitri’s Founder, Ryan Mellske, has co-authored The International Arbitration Rulebook: A Guide to Arbitral Regimes. Second edition forthcoming 2025….